Retroactive Compilation of My Postings on Facebook on
(NOTE: I transferred my posts from Facebook to a Word
document, complete with photos. However, when I posted the contents of my
document to this Wordpress blog, all the photos were stripped, leaving ugly
empty boxes. So I went through my original document and deleted all the photos
that made it more interesting. Nevertheless, I am blogging all of my Facebook
posts anyways. For the record.)
March 9, 2022
NATO. Defund the U.S. military. End the CIA. End Wall Street. End capitalism.
Then humanity might have a chance.
March 9,
Lisa Savage says it well in her blog below.
She's given it a lot of thought. And I support her all the way. The United
States has to stop pursuing military hegemony over the world. NATO is a
military alliance that only endangers peace with its constant war games and
strategies for attacking Russia, China, Iran, where ever a profit can be made
by demonizing the leader of another country, and denouncing the people.
I remember when Americans were known overseas for how
friendly we were as a people. A long time ago. Now Americans are known for
unscrupulous business ventures, scheming, and fomenting wars. We are known and
feared as an empire. Nobody can hold the United States accountable for war
crimes or meddling in the internal affairs of other countries.
I have a love/hate relationship with my country. I wish it
were simpler, and that I could love my country without also feeling ashamed of
it. I also feel isolated and alone among my fellow Americans, most of who have
the shallowest of understanding of what the truth might be in another country,
but who hold strong convictions based on ignorance and being lied to.
I used to be part of that Berkeley based Wellstone Club.
They held potlucks at the Humanist Hall across from where I lived in north
Oakland. It took me a while of getting more involved at a deeper level to
understand that these were not my people and we were not coming from the same
place. So sad. I could never find a place in the United States where I felt
that I belonged.
I'm more estranged than ever. If I get any more alienated, I
will just have to change my citizenship.
Turd In The Punchbowl
My husband,
Mark, who has opposed any and all wars since evading the draft during the
Vietnam War. For the past five and half years, liberals in the U.S. have
salivated on command in response to th… I feel overwhelmed. I want the war to
end in Ukraine. Today.
I'm listening to Arundhati Roy speaking, saying "the
world has been whipped into obedience. We have to slowly learn to be
Chris Hedges: Russia Was Baited Into
War but That Does Not Absolve Its Criminal Aggression
March 9, 2022
I've read analysis that the U.S. was antagonizing Russia to
go to war in Ukraine partly to corner the European liquid natural gas market.
Apparently that analysis was correct. I wonder how Ukrainians feel about
becoming the battleground between Russia and the U.S. so that large
corporations and Wall Street can reap profits.
U.S. LNG exporters emerge as big
winners of Europe natgas crisis
9, 2022
thought surfacing... although the U.S. has never been sanctioned for its wars
of aggression or punished for its war crimes, I doubt very much that it has
escaped the notice of thinking people in the world. A reckoning may yet happen;
I just hope that it's not too late before the earth is made inhabitable or
humanity gets largely destroyed.
March 9, 2022
I'm thinking about the law of unintended consequences and
the war in Ukraine.
Here's a few already:
1. Russians finding out that biosafety labs doing research
in Ukraine (some 30 of them) apparently have been doing biowarfare research
funded by the Pentagon, and are now insisting that there be a stronger
Bioweapons Act, bringing focus on an issue that the U.S. would prefer the
public not think about.
2. Sanctions against microchips being sold to Russia may
threaten the global microprocessor industry as it turns out Russia is the main
supplier of essential components for microchips.
3. So far, Russia has failed to retaliate against Nordstream
2 being sanctioned and shut down, insisting that it is a reliable provider of
gas. However, that hasn't stopped European countries and Japan from freaking
out that it might happen in retaliation.
4. China has been cautioning against destabilizing and
harming the global economy over Ukraine. Shipping has already been impacted,
driving up prices. Attempting to isolate Russia and sanctioning any country
that continues to do business with it has brought out how interdependent our
global economy has become, and how impossible it is to carry out sanctions of
the scope and severity being levied against Russia without grave consequences
for the global economy.
As the U.S. leads the world in "punishing" Russia,
we have yet to see how much the world gets punished in return. We are
witnessing the biggest geopolitical upheaval of my lifetime; how it gets
managed will determine the fate of humanity.
Yesttlc0eurdagy gac4fSt1g gp9:nt52 0ArMed ·
This article came out in 2000, but nothing has changed since
then. Until the Russians have come out this week saying that we need a stronger
bioweapons treaty after finding out more about Pentagon-funded biolabs in
US rejects stronger bioweapons treaty - Nature Biotechnology
February 9,
2022 I am in complete support of Russia on this matter. It has been an ongoing
source of stress and concern for me since I started researching BSL-4 labs a
couple of years ago. Just watch our corporate controlled media ignore this
Moscow calls for strengthening
bioweapons treaty
Moscow called on signatories of the
Biological Weapons Convention to implement verification mechanisms stonewalled
by the US
Whoever even heard of sapphire substrates? Apparently the
future of the microprocessor industry may depend on it. Russia is the main
supplier. Sapphire substrates are "thin plates made of artificial stone,
which are used in opto- and microelectronics to build up layers of various
materials, for example, silicon. They are used in every processor in the world
– AMD and Intel are no exception."
The U.S. just banned export of microchips to Russia that
were developed in the U.S. Apparently, those microchips are made with sapphire
substrates. Russia could retaliate by no longer exporting sapphire substrates
to countries with such sanctions against it. Surely, the experts in the U.S.
who suggested banning export of microchips to Russia knew about this minor but
essential component sourced mostly from Russia?
According to this article, Russia has been exploring the use
of gallium arsenide instead of sapphire substrates, which could be done in
cooperation with mainland China. Also, Russia has the expertise of scientists
and engineers from India to draw on in the micropocessor industry to develop
its own sources of microchips.
Wouldn't that be an ironic unintended consequence of
sanctions against Russia?
If Russia Can’t Have Chips No One
Will? Russian Inputs Are Critical to Global Semiconductors Supply Chain |
Machine translated from Russian. The world's largest manufacturers of computer
processors and semiconductors announced their accession to...
Machine translated from Russian. The
world's largest manufacturers of computer processors and semiconductors
announced their accession to sanctions against Russia. Processors for user PCs,
servers and data storage systems will not be supplied to our country. Loud
words inspire pessimism in the avera...
February 9, 2022
President Biden's drive to inflict "further pain on
Putin" by cutting off oil and gas supplies from Russia could very well
inflict further pain on himself and fellow Democrats.
If gas goes over five dollars a gallon in the U.S., I think
that I can safely predict that Biden will not be reelected, and that Democrats
will lose control of Congress in the next election. Republicans only serve the
interests of the wealthy, but Democrats are just as much a war party. How can
you have any lasting impact on the lives of working people if you squander
everything on forever wars?
February 9, 2022
The way I see it, President Biden and our Congress don't
give a damn about the lives of Ukrainians. I have only seen an escalation of
economic warfare against Russia, and no move diplomatically to make concessions
to Russia whatsoever by the puppet Zelensky government. The U.S. is running the
show in Ukraine, and it has no intention of resolving the conflict -- it wants
to bog Russia down in another Afghanistan. And to hell with Ukrainian lives.
That's how I see it.
February 9, 2022
In the summer of 2019, the BSL-4 lab at Ft. Detrick was shut
down due to safety concerns. I did a lot of research when the coronavirus
pandemic struck to find out if there was any connection, but could not
conclusively find evidence.
However, at the time I learned the scary fact that research
into biological pathogens to use in chemical warfare was being carried out at
bioweapons labs located all over the world -- and they have been proliferating.
I've been warning of the existential threat this kind of research poses to the
safety and well-being of humanity ever since, demanding that they be shut down
everywhere. Nobody was listening, and I don't have a social media platform
anyways, at least not that anyone reads.
I've known that Ukraine was one of the countries where the
U.S. was operating BSL-4 labs. Somewhere I'd read the suggestion that it was to
escape oversight by the CDC. I had no idea, though, that there were as many as
30 of these horror labs in Ukraine.
February 9, 2022
This all goes to prove the adage, "You can't please
everyone all the time." It's the biggest obstacle to global dominance that
the U.S. faces. Frankly, hegemony over the world is a ridiculous goal anyways,
even supported by the world's largest military.
Saudi Arabia, UAE Reportedly Snub US,
‘Decline Calls With Biden’ as Oil Prices Surge
March 8, 2022
You'd think all the European countries, and even Japan, that
depend on Russian gas would have anticipated that Russia would cut off their
supplies of gas as a consequence of being sanctioned by them. Germany,
especially, can be blamed by backing out of Nordstream 2 (after it had been
built, yet), if Russia decides to cut supplies to Europe through Nordstream 1
in half, or to cut them out entirely.
After all, it's the major economic card that Russia has, and
it's a big one. It seems quite logical to me that if other countries are going
to met out economic pain and suffering to Russia, that it would retaliate
Strange how this is playing out -- it seems that Russia may
not need the goodwill of European countries as much as they need the goodwill
of Russia.
I think it's all nonsense myself. Of course, we are all
interdependent. NATO has been threatening Russia for several years, running
military games focused on war with Russia, meting out never-ending
provocations. You'd think that military strategists would have anticipated
retaliatory measures by Russia, and planned to protect NATO countries.
It seems that the geopolitical earthquake that we are going
through is changing the topography considerably. If only we could cooperate
instead of compete with each other, humanity might stand a chance.
February 8, 2022
been checking in on what's happening in Ukraine. I listened to the Duran's
latest broadcast. They discussed a map that shows the Russian military has
closed the cauldron around Donbas, and that the Western media is not covering
this story, even though that's where the main fighting is happening. I did a
Google search, and saw that he was right.
7, 2022
Here's an idea. Let Russia take back the eastern part of
Ukraine, or at least control the politics enough to make it a neutral zone, and
return the western part to Poland. They may not want any Nazis either, though.
If anything good comes out of this war, it might be
prosecution of war crimes committed by Nazis in Ukraine. And mercenaries.
March 6, 2022
Yesterday Putin declared that this is war, as sanctions and
several other actions taken against Russia multiply. I doubt very much, though,
that they will have the desired impact of restricting or ending the war in
Instead, I consider Putin is being boxed into a corner with
the full weight of sanctions that have been ratcheted up in scope and severity
in unprecedented actions. I foresee that this will impel him instead to use
hypersonic weapons in an unprecedented military strike against the U.S.
I sure hope that my sense of the situation is off, and that
this is not a likely scenario. However, I've been fretting about this, and my
grave concern interfered with my night's sleep, as I woke up before 5:00 this
morning with all of this preying on my thoughts, even while sleeping. I decided
to meditate on peace and love to restore some balance into the chaotic and
disturbed energy fields.
While my meditation probably did not impact the world, it
did restore my inner balance and sense of harmony. I was sending love and sweet
energy to both presidents Putin and Biden. Both men are no doubt feeling the
great weight and gravity of their decisions.
What else can be done at this time that might make a
difference other than on the inner planes?
The article that I'm sharing here is a calculated and
cautionary assessment of the real danger posed by Russia's development of
hypersonic weapons. I am excerpting a pertinent analysis that I hope will be
taken under consideration by Americans and NATO, as well as the world community
that is joining in the sanctions against Russia:
"This is not to say that hypersonics pose no threat. A
limited number of hypersonic missiles, if effectively used, could act as a
force multiplier for the Russian military. Russia’s hypersonic capabilities
might, for example, be used in a breaching role by targeting air and missile
defence radars and key command nodes in NATO’s air and missile defence system
in order to open the way for strikes by Russia’s larger arsenal of older and
slower missiles. Alternatively, hypersonic missiles might be reserved for
targets such as aircraft carriers, given their operational and symbolic importance.
If properly cued by appropriate sensors, even a limited force of hypersonics
could pose a real threat to an even more limited number of key capital ships at
sea and operational points of failure like command nodes on land. What we
should not expect, however, is for future Russian forces to field large numbers
of hypersonic missiles, or for these missiles to be the mainstay of the Russian
precision strike threat."
Putting the Russian Hypersonic Threat
in Perspective
The threat posed by Russian hypersonic
missiles, though real, should not be overstated. Indeed, what is likely to be a
rather limited arsenal of hypersonics may have greatest value for Russia as a
peacetime competitive tool if its eventual size and military effects are
exaggerated in the West.
March 6, 2022
"Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the United
States and a number of allies issued a joint statement on Feb. 26 announcing
that they were taking dramatic steps to prevent Russia’s central bank from
accessing its substantial foreign exchange reserves. Analysts had posited that
these reserves, sometimes referred to as “Fortress Russia,” might allow Russia
to withstand the effects of economic sanctions for an extended period. But on
Feb. 28, OFAC issued a new Directive 4 under Executive Order 14024 that
prohibits any transactions with the Central Bank of Russia, Russia’s Ministry
of Finance, or its National Wealth Fund, including foreign exchange
transactions, involving U.S. persons, institutions, or the U.S. dollar.
This is by far the most dramatic step the United States and
its allies have taken. The effective blocking of central bank assets is a
severe measure that has only previously been applied to hostile foreign regimes,
such as in Iran, North Korea and Syria. Doing so prevents Russia from accessing
most if not all of its substantial foreign exchange reserves, severely reducing
its ability to stabilize its currency, compensate for its lack of access to
global debt markets or otherwise take steps to stabilize its economy. Among
other economic effects, this ensures that the broader sanctions imposed by the
international community have their maximum effect."
What Sanctions Has the World Put on
The United States and its allies are
imposing unprecedented sanctions on Russia in response to its invasion of
Ukraine. But their effects may be felt far beyond Russia’s borders.
March 6, 2022
???? So many conflicting stories on what’s happening.
Four Ukrainian Su-27 Jets, Bayraktar
Drone Downed West of Kiev
Four Ukrainian Su-
March 6, 2022
Su-27 Flanker Sees First Ever Losses
in Air to Air Combat: Four Shot Down in Massive Battle Over Zhytomir
March 6, 2022
How were they shot down? I’d like more details. Maybe it’ll
come out later. Maybe not.
Four Ukrainian Su-27 Jets Shot Down, 4
Russian Helicopters Downed
Four Ukrainian Su-27 Jets Shot
March 5, 2022
There seems to be some kind of denial, at least on U.S.
military websites, that the Russians now have hypersonic weapons that are
Russia's new hypersonic Tsirkon
missile was fired from Norwegian sector of Barents Sea
March 4, 2022
Let's see. Democracies protect freedom of speech, freedom of
the press, no? Then why is the U.S. acting in such a totalitarian fashion with
blocking access to Russian media?
To me, that is a betrayal of everything this country has
stood for.
March 4, 2022
Russia, China, India and Iran voted against censure of
Russia in the U.N. over Ukraine. I like to play with numbers on occasion, and I
wanted to know what measure of the world's population this constituted. I did
not include Russia in my sums.
China: 1,439,323,776
India: 1,380,004,385…
Iran: 83, 992,949
Total population of these countries: 2,893,321,110, roughly
1/3 of the world's population of 7.9 billion.
Just because I wanted to know, and also for some
perspective, here are population figures for U.S., Russia, Ukraine and Mexico:
U.S. 331,002,651
Russia 145,934,462
Ukraine 43,733,762 (minus 1,000,000 more or less who have
fled the country)
Mexico 128,932,753
As China and India have similarly very large populations,
Russia and Mexico also have about the same number of people, roughly. I find
that interesting. These numbers are from the website,
Which countries did not back the UN resolution
on Ukraine?
Members of the U
Russia reacts to US senator’s Putin
assassination plea
Russian Ambassador Antonov lashed out
at US Senator Lindsey Graha
March 4, 2022
Russia Times has a different narrative about what happened at the Zaporizhzhya
nuclear reactor than what we're seeing in the Western press. (article deleted
by Facebook)
3, 2022
While I was working on my Master's degree at MSU, I took a
class with a fantastic professor of the Cultural Anthropology of Japan. He
analyzed everything we studied through the lens of the law of unintended
consequences, which he claimed was always greater than what was intended with a
major political move.
So I'm thinking about the law of unintended consequences
when it comes to U.S. and European economic sanctions against Ukraine. By
banning several Russian banks from using the SWIFT system used globally for
international financial transactions, it's quite possible the unintended
consequence will hasten the demise of the dollar as the dominant currency in
the world.
Russia will likely start using SPFS more, the Chinese
alternative to SWIFT. as it's being blocked from using Swift. Much of the
global South will gravitate to using SPFS also. Well, I'm only speculating
here. Time will tell.
Unfortunately, NATO seems to have become Europe's foreign
policy-making body. And NATO is an aggressive military coalition that has already
engaged in several wars outside of its borders.
Another unintended consequence could be that Germany emerges
again as a Nazi power.
Empowering neoNazis in Ukraine such as the Azov Battalion
and forming an international brigade of mercenaries could boomerang badly on
Western powers.
Pepe Escobar is a journalist who has been writing about
geopolitics for decades. His analysis is so far above and beyond what we see in
mainstream media press that it's like comparing the writing of an expert with a
Ph.D. to a high school student who cheats to pass his classes. They mostly just
parrot what they have been told, and have no critical thinking skills, or sense
of history, or anything outside of the box of the echo chamber they inhabit.
Unfortunately if they have the intellectual power or creativity to expand their
thinking, it's been crushed by the need to succeed and make a living and please
their masters.
Follow the money: how Russia will
bypass western economic warfare
The US and EU are over-reaching on
Russian sanctions. The end result could be the de-dollarization of the global
economy and massive commodity shortag
We could see a nuclear meltdown at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear
Power Plant in Ukraine, the biggest nuclear reactor in Europe. Russian shelling
caused an explosion. Hundreds of thousands of tons of spent radioactive rods at
this site, according to Kevin Blanch, who is monitoring it. Supposedly it's
shut down, but the spent fuel rods in swimming pools could explode if hit.
"Russian Shelling Hits Power Unit at Key Ukrainian
Nuclear Plant \ was reported 21 minutes ago in the Russian Times. Grave cause
for concern.
Russian Shelling Hits Power Unit at
Key Ukrainian Nuclear Plant – Spokesman - The Moscow Times
Europe's largest nuclear power plant
is on fire after an attack by Russian troops invading Ukraine, a plant
spokesman said Friday.
3, 2022
This women's denunciation of war, especially of children who
are killed, is passionate and eloquent.
America: On-air livestream 24/7 (HD)
out our other shows DOWNLOAD Portable.TV and see
EVERYTHING! RT America in your area:
I will take part in this meditation. Please join us, even if
you don't meditate. You can pray, pour water ceremonially to quench a fire,
send loving thoughts, making peace within yourself.
2, 2022
I completely agree with Rep. Paul Gosar. A ray of light in a
dark tunnel.
Representative Paul Gosar
Washington, DC – Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04)
issued the following statement after voting against House Resolution 956, the
so-called “Supporting the People of Ukraine Resolutio
Gosar Votes
Against Resolution that Drags the United States into Another War
Washington, DC – Congressman Paul A. Gosar,
D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement after voting against House
Resolution 956, the so-called “Supporting the People of Ukraine
“While I have deep compassion and sympathy
for the horrible suffering of the people of Ukraine and am moved by their
nationalism, this resolution would have been more aptly titled the
“Resolution that Drags the United States into Another Foreign War.”
Specifically, the resolution demands that an
armed attack against one or more NATO member in Europe or North America is
considered an attack against them all and consequently America would be
obligated to go to war.
This is an unconstitutional infringement on
Article 1 Section 8 Clause 11 of the United States Constitution, which
grants only Congress the power to declare war, not NATO allies.
I have repeatedly stated that this conflict
has nothing to do with American national security and not one American
soldier should be dragged into a war 5000 miles away when there is no
reason to be there. Additionally, I have called on Mr. Biden to seek
Congressional approval before sending American troops into battle.
Sadly, the war in Ukraine
demonstrates what happens when Mr. Biden shows weakness on an international
scale and makes radical decisions tying financial and economic security to
foreign nations.
Additionally, the
Afghanistan defeat and disastrous withdrawal is still fresh in the minds of
Americans. This resolution threatens to get the United States into
another dangerous, expensive and lengthy war and there is no reason to be
there. For these reasons, I voted against it,” concluded Congressman
Paul Gosar.
March 1, 2022
Caitlin Johnstone
asks a question in this article that everyone should be thinking about.
Caitlin Johnstone: The Single Most
Important Question In The World Right Now
Caitlin Johnson seems
to think that it's very possible the U.S. and NATO will take out Russia.
Personally, I don't think that will be the outcome.
As long as the U.S.
and NATO countries ramp up their bile and take measures to destroy the
economy of Russia, we (everyone in the world) walk a tightrope of nuclear
war. That's why all eyes are on Ukraine now and what is happening there.
Russia will end this
soon in Ukraine. It won't get bogged down like it was in Afghanistan. It will
all end faster once Russia feels that it has created a buffer zone in
Ukraine. Let's see what the outcome of the talks between Russia and Ukraine
are tomorrow.
Personally, I fell in
love with Russia years ago, even though I have yet to visit there. The way I
fell in love was through my Russian students that I taught online. You're not
going to persuade me to hate all things Russian, just because you have a
media blitzkrieg against it. I'm a Libra. I always strive for balance in all
things. To me, this war hysteria is just that. When a woman gets hysterical,
somebody slaps her to abruptly bring her back to sanity. I wish there was a
way to do that with the U.S. as a country.
March 1, 2022
'It's unacceptable that US nuclear
weapons are in Europe, it's time to bring them home' - Lavrov
March 1, 2022
Repeating '70s Strategy of Grand
Chess-Master Brzezinski: Biden Appears to Have Induced Russian Invasion of
I have been aware of the shift that took place February 22
in what has been happening in my dreams. Not to say that the war in Ukraine
hasn't impacted me terrifically, but every night I get renewed and my spirits
are uplifted. I was tired all the next day when I'd spent the night in Ukraine,
though. However, it affirmed my resolve to continue my efforts as a spiritual
warrior for peace.
I refuse to get sucked into blaming Russia entirely for the
war in Ukraine. I have been deeply researching the situation, and understand
how the West has been encroaching ever closer with bringing more neighboring
countries into NATO, a military alliance that has focused on preparing for war
against Russia. How ongoing sanctions have been a form of warfare; how military
exercises like Operation Sea Breeze, Defender Europe 2021 and NATO Sea Shield
2021 in the Black Sea have threatened Russia.
What is happening now is that Russia is challenging the
hegemony of the U.S. It is stopping the expansion of NATO at its borders. It is
redefining geopolitics in a multipolar world. It is bringing an end to the
unipolar world of U.S. military dominance.
Frankly, I consider that somebody needed to stand up to U.S.
military hegemony and Western dominance of the world, and I consider Putin to
have great courage in doing so. As a peace activist, I deplore that it took a
war for this to happen. I give Russia and China great credit for their efforts
to negotiate peace. The U.S. has not negotiated in good faith, and has lied
with impunity, and reniged on agreements right and left. CHEATED.
You might think that I hate my own country and that I am
determined to sabotage it. However, that's not true. We need to go through a
paradigm shift to greater awareness and caring of each other, to a more just
and fair economic system, to transitioning away from a military economy and to
end corruption in our government and systems, towards goodwill and love for
I see great potential for this happening in the U.S. and as
a peace visionary, I want to work towards making it happen. Right now, beyond the
war in Ukraine, I see the need for a global peace movement and for the U.S.
peace movement to grow and become more effective. We need to oppose bloated
military budgets, and work to shut down military bases and war games, to change
the mindset that pits us against most of the countries in the world.
Celia Fenn·
New Moon in Pisces and 3/3 Portal
With so much going on in the outer world, it is also good to
remember that we are still on track with our spiritual transform…
March 1, 2022
The rhetoric and sanctions against Russia are going ballistic.
I really don't like where this is going. It doesn't augur well for the future
of humanity.
Medvedev Tells Le Maire to 'Watch His
Words' After Vow to Wage ‘Economic & Financial War’ On Russia
The EU will wage a total
"economic and financial war" again
March 1, 2022
This Russian is clearly grieving.
Moscow-Kiev talks to begin at 12:00
Moscow time — envoy
1, 2020
Worth considering and evaluating.
Risks of West’s aggression against
Russia, Belarus were clear long ago — Lukashenko
28, 2022
Negotiations have been concluded between Russia and Ukraine.
Awaiting statements.
Russia-Ukraine negotiations are over,
says source
The participants in the meeting are
expected to give comments for the media on the results of the negotiations
Incredible show. This is the best yet coverage of what's
happening in Ukraine. I'm listening to Scott Ritter now.
GUESTSScott Ritter : American military analyst,
fmr UN weapons inspector Tony Kevin : fmr Australian Ambassador to Poland &
AU diplomat in Moscow ...
Top of Form
The outbreak of war in Ukraine needs to be put in the
context of recent U.S.-led NATO military exercises preparing for war against
Russia. Calling Russia the aggressor is inverted.
This is an excellent article from last year that brings out
many issues that are not being addressed in mainstream press in this push to
war with Russia, framing Putin as the aggressor.
NATO begins massive Defender 2021
military exercises aimed at Russia
The inclusion of non-NATO states
including Ukraine and Georgia in NATO’s largest war games in Europe since the
end of the Cold War, on Russia’s borders, is very provocative.
Looking back a little. U.S.-led NATO's ongoing war exercises
with 20-30 other countries last year, heightened tensions with Russia. All the
war gaming has been focused on going up against Russia. Duh? Are we such
ignorant imbeciles as to think that all this organizing for war against Russia
isn't going to be perceived as a threat by Russia.
As a peace activist, I call for an end to NATO and an end to
war games and preparations for major war, not just with Russia, but with China and other countries. We need
to pivot away from military conflict, not prepare for it. And by we, I mean
Russian Defence Ministry: NATO
Preparing for Large-Scale High-Intensity Conflict With Moscow
Moscow has expressed concerns about
the concentration of Western alliance missile systems, troops, warships, and
aircraft near Russia's borders, and NATO's decades' long eastward expansion.
This month, the Russian Foreign Ministry formally...
I just came across this interesting article.
The US military is changing the way it
fights after it 'failed miserably' in a war game against an aggressive
adversary who knew its playbook | Business Insider México | Noticias pensadas
para ti
"They knew exactly what we're
going to do before we did it, and they took advantage of it," a US general
Incidents like these that took place last summer have
contributed to Russia's taking a strong stance in Ukraine. All these military
games are not so innocent. In fact, they provoke war instead of preventing it.
The HMS Defender Incident: What
happened and What Are the Political Ramifications? | Russia Matters
The HMS Defender Incident: What
happened and What Are the Political Ramifications? July 01, 2021 Dmitry
Gorenburg On June 23, the HMS Defender—a British Type 45 destroyer—was involved
in a confrontation with the Russian military while sailing near the Crimean
Peninsula. The ship was in the Black...
Lugansk Media Centre – Stanitsa Luganskaya liberated without
shots fired
27.02.2022 at 11:27 BreakingStanitsa Luganskaya liberated
without shots fired Military&Defence ● Society Read in RussianОсвобождение
Станицы Луганской, 26 февраля 2022 года Освобождение Станицы Луганской, 26
февраля 2022 г....
I have been following this situation very closely for
several weeks now.
This morning, I wrote a possible scenario for the outcome
that could be positive for the people of Ukraine.
Russia has
now succeeded in their goal of making Ukraine neutral. It will never join NATO
now. However, there may rise out of the ashes of this war a new security
agreement that includes Russia and UkraineLugansk has been liberated. There is
still some fighting in Donetsk, but it will soon be over. Ukraine has
recognized the independence of the breakaway oblasts in the east in the Donbas.
Zelensky has agreed to hand over the Nazis accused of war
crimes by Russia for prosecution. In exchange for his cooperation, he's being
allowed to stay in power temporarily... as a figurehead.
The power behind the scenes in Ukraine is now Russia, not
the U.S. or NATO, who have lost most of their control in Ukraine.
Incoming delivery of weapons from the West will be
confiscated. or effectively stopped.
A coalition of countries hammers out economic assistance for
Ukraine to lift the people out of poverty in the form of trade agreements,
cooperative projects, cash assistance for the neediest Ukrainians,
infrastructure building at village level, energy projects for conversion from
nuclear power to renewable energy sources, cultural and educational exchange
programs, and promotion of tourism as peace takes hold and the economy
Delegations of business people and academics visit Ukraine
to assist in projects that lift the poorest of the poor out of poverty.
This is not aid from the International Monetary Fund or any
of the usual sources of economic aid that only further impoverish the people of
a country. This coalition of countries will act as pioneers of the paradigm
shift in creating win/win outcomes for their investments with ingenious
programs that benefit the well-being of the people at the bottom rungs of the
economic ladder the most.
Russia-Ukraine talks underway in
The Russia-Ukraine talks are underway
at the Belarus border.
Sharing an update on the crisis in Ukraine.
Ukraine Solution Possible Only if
Russia's Security Interests Are Considered, Putin Tells Macron
Russia's President Vladimir Putin
noted that Russian troops do not threaten civilians and do not conduct strikes
against civilian targets in Ukraine.
February 27, 2022
I woke up tired this morning; I had spent the night in
Ukraine in my dreams, keeping vigil with the people there.
And so this morning, I wrote a poem about it.
Soul Daring Wayfarers…
People on the move
Moving in migration
Fleeing uncertainty of war
Fleeing agitation.
Going who knows where
Trudging tiredly onward
Seeking kindness
Seeking haven.
Leaving behind
the life they knew
Somehow getting through
God help us all!
Ariel Ky 2/27/22Top
of Form
As a feminist, I have taken the liberty of rewriting and
updating this ancient poem, No Man is an Island, that has always been a
favorite of mine. The war in Ukraine brings it to mind. John Donne wrote it as
a devotion on emergent occasions.
Top of Form
'No One is an Island'
No one is an island entire of itself; everyone
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; anyone's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in humanity.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Devotions upon Emergent Occasions
John Donne
If the U.S. had not been such a double dealer on arms
agreements, it might never have come to this.
Russian Military Fires Kinzhal Hypersonic
Missiles, Yars ICBM, Kalibr & Zircon in Drills - Videos
The Kh-47M2 Kinzhal aircraft-deployed hypersonic
cruise missile system is nuclear capable, and is one of several hypersonic
weapons rolled out by Russia in the late 2010s in a bid to preserve global
strategic stability amid US efforts to...
Top of Form
It seems to me that Russia will retaliate against the severe
sanctions being levied against it by decreasing or cutting off gas supplies to
Europe. Winter is far from over. There is the grave possibility of people in
Europe also being hurt by the war in Ukraine. To say nothing of the disruption
happening with shipping, which will, of course, drive up prices across the
Germany warns of Russian gas
retaliation if war breaks out
Finance minister highlights need to
diversify energy supplies and stick to EU’s fiscal rules
There will be more retaliation, I'm sure. We are being
sucked down in a whirlpool.
Russia to seize foreigners' funds in
retaliation -RIA
Russia will respond to the seizure of
money of Russian citizens and companies abroad by seizing funds of foreigners
and foreign companies in Russia, RIA news agency quoted Dmitry Medvedev, deputy
head of the security council, as saying on Saturday.
February 26, 2022
This hurts me. It seems that the Ukrainian crisis is
spinning crazily out of control into WWIII. Of course, Russia is retaliating by
banning flights from these countries in its airspace.
I heard some commentator say that this war in Ukraine is
really over American control of Europe, whereas Russia being much closer, it
would naturally be a better source of gas and stronger trading partner than the
U.S.. Yet, Europe is spiting itself. So now the Europeans have agreed to ban
Russia from SWIFT. How will this impact the $35 billion trade that the U.S. has
with Russia? Nowhere near as much as the $250 billion trade that European
countries have with Russia. Right now, it looks as though the U.S. has
succeeded in making Europe its vassal. The empire waxes stronger on the blood
of Ukrainians. Absolutely disgusting.
I wanted to report on the peace movement coalescing, but so
far it has been marginalized, just as it was when the U.S. attacked Iraq. But
the game is not yet over, and I anxiously await further developments.
Russian Airlines Are Banned From The
Baltic Region
Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia,
Romania, and Bulgaria have banned Russian airlines from their airspaces. Europe
could be next.
Ukranian soldiers on Snake Island were apparently not
bombed. They surrendered.
Surrendered Ukrainian servicemen
arrive in Crimea
82 Ukrainian servicemen reach Crimea's
Sevastopol after voluntarily laying down arms on Zmeiniy Island. After going
through short-term legal procedures, the ...
I'm trying to stay calm, but I keep breaking out in hives.
UPDATED: Russian Navy Cruisers
Positioned to Counter U.S., French and Italian Carrier Groups in the
Mediterranean - USNI News
This post has been updated with a
statement from Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday. This post has been
updated to correct Monday’s position of RTS Marshal Ustinov. Three Russian
guided-missile cruisers have been arrayed across the Black Sea and the
Mediterranean Sea to counter three NATO ...
Ariel Ky
Thank you, Edison. Although I am a
peace activist, I come from a military family. My niece is a fighter pilot
assigned to the USS Harry Truman, which is in the Adriatic Sea right now, with
three Russian warships patrolling the Mediterranean. Anything c…
It seems Russian intelligence was accurate. If this
broadcast is true, Russian forces have had considerable success in Ukraine
since Putin's special operations began.
Russian Armed Forces have disable 821
militaries targets in Ukraine
February 25, 2022
(Note: several articles from Russian
press have been deleted by Facebook)
There is no such thing as defensive weapons. Weapons are
Ukraine has more US Javelin weapons on its
territory than some NATO states — Shoigu
The practice of beefing up Ukraine with weapons
continues with incomprehensible goals, the Russian Defense Minister pointed out
Top of Form
I think it's important in this tense time, to hear from both
sides. The Internet makes this possible.
Ukrainian garrison at Snake Island
surrenders to Russian Armed Forces — Defense Ministry
82 Ukrainian servicemen laid down
their weapons and voluntarily surrendered to the Russian Armed Forces
I wonder if this is true. It would be major news if it were.
Fighters of Ukraine’s 57th Separate
Motorized Infantry Brigade lay down arms and join LPR
The Lugansk People's Militia command
said that the surrendered fighters would be released home after the
hostilities’ end
February 26, 2022
I'm listening to this right now. Good program.
Ukraine: Questions for the US Anti-War
Movement w/ Abby Martin & Brian Becker
Featuring live audience Q&A, Abby
Martin and Brian Becker discuss the Ukraine war and what it means for the
anti-war movement.
I stand in solidarity with people in Ukraine and everywhere.
We all want peace, not war. Well maybe war profiteers who are laughing all the
way to the bank are the exception. They love war.
When you think about the profits that Wall Street makes on
financing wars, on how our entire economy in the U.S. depends on wars, it makes
you shudder how we as Americans can deal in the blood, misery, suffering and
destruction of so many other people in countries where we blunder in. Wars do
not "help" anyone. They do not move us closer to solutions to our
real problems.
Balto Green
Febornuua0rua7gy1 26 at6 6:0115 7dAM ·
Green Party Calls for Ceasefire and Diplomatic Solution to
Ukraine Crisis
Greens stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and
Russia who oppose the invasi…
I just took part in the Code Pink Emergency International
Online Rally: No War in Ukraine - No to NATO. There were nearly 2,000 people
from several countries on this call. The chat room was lively, with a wide
spread of political viewpoints. It was quite interesting.
International Emergency Online Rally:
No War in Ukraine - No to NATO
This is URGENT! We are horrified at
the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine. We must come together across borders
to demand a diplomatic solution to the pr...
Peace Summit in Madrid
Sign the declaration at their website.
Disband NATO. NATO is a grave threat to world peace, having
already left a trail of destruction from Yugoslavia to Afghanistan. We need a
world of peace.…
sign the declaration – NO A LA OTAN
sign the declaration Read our
declaration, then sign it in the form below. To view the declaration, select
language: Disband NATO. NATO is a grave threat to world peace, having already
left a trail of destruction from Yugoslavia to Afghanistan. We need a world of
peace. NO TO NATO NATO must be disba...
Starting from tomorrow I will be hosting a daily peace
meditation at 9pm GMT, 4pm EST, 1pm PST at fb live @lunarinaquest.
My heart goes for all of the people of my homeland. I am
utterly terrified and cannot even phantom how my people feel in the war zone.
Taking an action towards creating more peace and more love no matter how small
it seems is soothing to my spirit. I believe in the power of our voices, power
of our intentions and power of love that is the strongest force in the world.
February 25, 2022
People all over the world are praying for peace in Ukraine.
This war is a wakeup call for us all. We must shift from fear into love for
each other.
Mary Flaner Halverson is
home in Mount Shasta, California·

Ty Jenny Heston⚘
February 25, 2022
Messages of solidarity from antiwar
activists in the United States to the antiwar people of Russia |
They say that the U.S. has no culture. Wrong. We do. It's
called a cheating culture. Of course, it permeates our country but does not
wholly define us. There are good people everywhere. But are we a good country?
Are we good neighbors? I'm afraid the answer is a resounding no.
Alfred De Zayas: A Culture of Cheating
- On the Origins of the Crisis in Ukraine - The Transnational
Alfred De Zayas February 11, 2022 The
current tensions between the United States and Russia with regard to Ukraine
goes back to a series of NATO actions
Would that the world now comes together in prayer for the
people of Ukraine. If you believe in the power of prayer, please add your
John Pilger has it right.
'Hypocrites on Parade': John Pilger
Calls Out World Leaders for Ignoring Donbass Shelling For Years
Pilger, based in the UK, took to
Twitter to voice his view of the West’s condemnation of Russia’s special
military operation aiming to defend the people of Donbass as well as
"demilitarise and denazify" Ukraine.
War in Europe and the Rise of Raw
Propaganda | Black Agenda Report
Events in Ukraine have been stoked by
US/UK war propaganda. Journalistic standards have been replaced with evidence
free narratives meant to get public support for acts of aggression. This
article originally appeared in Marshall McLuhan's prophecy that
"the successor to politics will...
February 24, 2022
The Black Agenda Report has some excellent articles on the
Ukraine confict.
"Anatol Lieven (Responsible Statecraft, 1/3/22 ), an
analyst at the Quincy Institute, wrote that US acquiescence to a neutral
Ukraine would be a “golden bridge” that, in addition to reducing US/Russia
tensions, could enable a political solution to Ukraine’s civil war. This
restraint-oriented policy is considered fringe thinking in the Washington
foreign policy establishment."
To me, the fact that such eminently sensible suggestions are
being dismissed as fringe thinking, is an indictment against the Washington
foreign policy establishment, exposing the corruption of our military
industrial complex on our relations with other countries.
What You Should Really Know About
Ukraine | Black Agenda Report
February 24, 2022
Here's another perspective that brings out many salient considerations
on Ukraine.
Why the Russian Federation Recognized
the Independence Movements in the Donbas | Black Agenda Report
Recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk
People's Republics is a direct result of U.S. efforts to contain Russian
economically and militarily. “Minsk, Minsk, Minsk,” they cried after Russia
recognized Donetsk and Luhansk. But those Western diplomats and pundits did not
hear those of us in the anti...
I'm listening to this interview with Nicolai Petro right
now. It gives a broad perspective on the conflict in Ukraine.
Dangerous Increase in Rhetoric in Ukraine Crisis Risks
I am posting this article again by Nicolai Petro, Professor
of Political Science at the University of Rhode Island. I consider him a
visionary thinker who is an expert on Ukraine.
"We should be working toward a new Treaty of
Westphalia, the gist of which would be this: Russia and the United States
should each take a step back, Russia and Ukraine should each take a step back,
and all parties would stipulate that both Ukraine and Russia must, at the end
of this process, become…
How to Break the Cultural Gridlock in
When the seven-year war in Ukraine
began, it was primarily an interregional conflict. By choosing sides at its outset,
however, Russia and the West have made it international. With the domestic and
international aspects of this conflict now so thoroughly intertwined, the
solution will also have to a...
We need to get experts' analysis to find a way out of war in
Ukraine conflict exposes dangers of a
new Cold War
A look at Ukraine’s distant and recent
past reveals a complex and dangerous example of the risks posed by a world
where superpowers are once again clashing.
February 23, 2022
So much at stake. Sanctions against Russia could result in
gas supplies to Europe being decreased or cut off.
Attempts to separate China's economy from the US economy
have appeared laughable to me. Now I see the same effort to separate Europe's
economy from Russia's.
I'm listening to some Department of State shill saying that
this is a fight between democracy and hypocrisy. The United States is like the
master of hypocrisy when it comes to Russia. This is definitely the pot calling
the kettle black.
The truth is that we live in an interdependent world. Trying
to change that is tilting against windmills.
What if Russia turns off the gas?
Europe assesses its options as fears mount over Ukraine crisis
February 23, 2022
This is a good summary of the current situation in the
Ukraine from China.
Security concerns of all parties in
Ukraine crisis need to be addressed: China Daily editorial
With Russian President Vladimir Putin
February 22, 2022
Great article. Here is a good talking point from this
article that should clear up confusion about what's happening in Ukraine.
"There have been many provocations leading up to the Russian
recognition of the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.
Among them are NATO expansion, not taking Russian security concerns seriously,
the arming of Ukraine, and demonizing Russia via the western monopoly media.
The final nail was the shelling from Ukraine into Donbass causing the
evacuation of its civilians into Russia.
It appears to be a foolhardy act by Ukraine. If Ukraine had
adhered to the Minsk Agreements, Donetsk and Luhansk would still be a part of
Ukraine, autonomous though they may be. Autonomy is not uncommon within
countries. Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Tibet, Xinjiang are autonomous
provinces in China. Russia also has one autonomous region and 10 autonomous
areas. Nonetheless, the lure of war and playing with fire has caused Ukraine to
shrink a little bit more.
Putin Deftly Eludes the US-laid War Trap | Dissident Voice
Going to war and using expensive war machinery and missiles
can be enticing and perversely exhilarating, but the lethality and devastation
of war must not be downplayed as a game. The latest political maneuver by
Russian president Vladimir Putin was a game-changing masterstroke to avoid the
February 22, 2022
Here's an idea for activating political discourse that I
received in a dream last night. I was teaching again, and as I often did in the
past, I put my adult students in groups of four to practice speaking English
with each other.
This time I gave them the word INGENIOUS and challenged them
to discuss ingenious ways of solving the world's problems. Then the group would
make a presentation of their ideas to the rest of the class.
So I challenge everyone who is reading this, find three
other people to engage in a discussion with you to solve the world's problems.
You can pretend that you are world leaders, and that you are
thinking out of the box to find ingenious ways forward. Choose one challenge to
address, such as brewing war in Ukraine, American imperialism, capitalism and
exploitation of workers, environmental issues, global warming.
Share your ideas on social media. Sow the energy field with
creative solutions. Remember kindness, caring for others and empathy are key.
What are ingenious ways to address the challenges humanity
faces today?
February 21, 2022
A good summary of the situation in Ukraine. Today's
developments in Russia recognizing the breakaway republics in the Donbas area
could expand the possibilities.
Opinion | What Is Going to Happen in
"The U.S., Russia, and China
could begin more serious diplomacy to reduce the threat of nuclear war and
resolve their many differences, so that the world could move forward to peace
and prosperity instead of backwards to Cold War and nuclear brinkmanship."
U.S. breaches international law and rules at will,
exercising a kind of American exceptionalism to these laws. Everyone else must
follow them, except us. It takes a lot of gall to be ready to go to war with
Russia over what it calls a breach of international law in recognizing the
Donbas breakaway regions from Ukraine.
It's my
country that is acting as a rogue military power that acts with impunity. The
United States has been breaking treaties and international laws right and left,
ever since it started breaking treaties made with native american nations that
it never intended to honor.
No wonder China and Russia call us liars. We do not
negotiate in good faith, and never have.
Facts on U.S. breaching international rules - Xinhua |
Hold your horses! That's what I say to the people on social
media who are chomping at the bit, ready to declare war with Russia over
President Putin found a third way. He has not invaded
Ukraine. He has responded positively to leaders of the breakaway republics of
Donetsk and Luhansk asking for recognition (and possibly protection).
Of course,
the people in these breakaway republics are freaking out that they are being
attacked, but not by Russians! By Ukrainians who would deny them the right to
speak their native language of Russian. 14,000 people in these provinces have
already died in ongoing shelling of these provinces since 2014. By Kiev! Not
Moscow! And an American-backed Kiev government, for that part.
How this threatens American security interests is beyond me.
This has nothing to do with our national security. It has everything to do with
an American empire that uses its military to put a footprint on everything that
happens in the world.
February 22, 2022
I am in the process of forming an international working
group of women to champion peace and freedom. I had the idea last week, but
it's daunting, and I've felt paralyzed. However, I am committed, especially as
the war propaganda heats up over Ukraine.
While I was researching women that I found out about from a
recent article in The Nation, "Independent American and Russian Women Call
for Peace: Every Voice Has a Meaning", I came across the Biosphere
Foundation because Sandra Cline is a Trustee Emerita for the
Foundation, and she is one of the women I am learning about. As I was wondering
what a small group of women could possibly do to impact the onset of this
pending great war, I remembered the quote from Margaret Mead that I've posted
below. I was just thinking about it when I saw it on the Biosphere Foundation
a synchronicity like this happens, I pay attention. It's the universe's way of
signaling that you are onto something.”Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only
thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
February 21, 2022
A time machine to a place I hope never materializes.
Makana’s Haunting Song from Russian
Nuclear Bunker “Standing in the tomb-like space, my soul began to cry in the
form of song,” says Makana. …
February 21, 2022
Every one of these valiant women have a story. I would like
to work with them for peace between the U.S. and Russia, for peace in Ukraine.
Independent American and Russian Women
Call for Peace
Every voice has meaning.
February 21, 2022
I am with China in the stance set forth here on finding a
political and diplomatic resolution to the crisis in the Ukraine.
Strive for peace over Ukraine, FM
China called on countries to shoulder
their responsibilities and strive for peace rather than escalate tension,
create panic and even hype up wars on the Ukraine issue.
February 21, 2022
If you want to know what Putin is thinking, watch this
Russia's Military Capability 2022:
Russia doesn't want a war, they just don’t want NATO on their
Russia doesn't want a war, they just
don’t want NATO on their doorstep.Nuclear weaponsR-29RMU2 LaynerRSM-56
BulavaRS-24 YarsRS-28 SarmatRS-26 RubezhKh-47M2 K...
February 21, 2022
Russia is warning us with this video of their military
strength. If the U.S. keeps on agitating for a war with Russia, we will face
air power on par with the U.S., if not superior. It will be devastating for the
world to unleash this. It's not too late to back off and negotiate in good
faith. That would be the way of sanity.
February 19, 2022
Not much has changed in five years in the U.S. leadup to war
against Russia. Gotta have an enemy to justify those bloated military budgets.
Hiroyuki Hamada·
Breaking: The US has been the aggressor, not Russia.
Don't they know that there are people in Russia? Just like
us trying to make sense out of life, enjoying friendship, family, what nature
can offer...amazing art, literature, poetry and music?
The media and the elected officials have done this over and
over. They've demonized people in the Middle East. They brought us many wars
with false pretexts.
What about the crime bills and war on drugs? Remember in 90s
how they demonized black youth? They brought us the mass incarceration of
minorities worse than under Apartheid South Africa. They brought us police
killings more frequent then Lynching in its heyday.
We must stop listening to the schemers who are guided by
corporatism, colonialism and militarism.
Here are a few links on the topic:
"An economist's Mein Kampf- Learning from China"
"Russia: a target, not a superpower" by Sara Flounders
"The Defining Year Was 1991: The Demise of Yugoslavia
and the Soviet Union" by Marcus Papadopoulos
"NATO Begins Amassing Troops On Russia’s Border"
"US Complains Inland Sea Surrounded by Russian Air
Bases Is ‘Unsafe’ for Their Destroyer" (thanks for the link David Kersten)
Is it True That “Russia is Aggressive”? by Rick Sterling
Provoking nuclear war by media by John Pilger
"The Great Leap Backward: America’s Illegal Wars on the
World by Luciana Bohne
Did the Deep State Facilitate Flynn's Resignation? by Coleen Rowley
Europeans Contest US Anti-Russian Hype by Joe Lauria
Demonization of the leader Michael Parenti (thank you for
the link Natasha Zarich)
I would love to stage a Truth or Consequences show with
maybe a panel of five contestants and a host asking questions. A loud buzzer
sounds when someone repeats a lie about Ukraine. The winners are the people who
say the truth.
Lies About Ukraine Conflict Are
Standing in the Way of a Peaceful Resolution
Narratives around the Ukraine
conflict, propagated by Western governments and the mainstream media, are truly
What an accurate overview of the misbegotten role of the
U.S. in the world today.
Chomsky: US Push to "Reign
Supreme" Stokes the Ukraine Conflict
The commitment to maintain the
Atlanticist order in Europe has had policy implications that reach beyond
Europe itself.
February 16, 2022
This is good.
Lindorff – Nine Waves
Nuclear Prom
look up. Don’t look down,
And whatever you do, don’t look around,
Or within. Don’t look at all.
Just be happy, have a ball!
Nine nations have the bomb,
And they’re all going to the nuclear prom!
Everyone with the bomb has a date!
If not, it might be too late!
Russia and France are going to the
(The bomb is a charm for romance!)
North Korea and China definitely
will and
Israel is dressed to kill.
Pakistan will cut a figure at the
As will India and the United Kingdom.
But the rest are feeling blue.
What is a non-nuclear power to do?!
Without a nuclear device,
No prom, no party. Any advice?
When so much of the world has none
There must be something that can be done!
The US has bombs to spare,
Maybe it has bombs to share!
How about just give them away?
Don’t even make them pay!
When everyone has the bomb,
Everyone goes to the prom!
I know it sounds like charity
But let’s just call it nuclear parity.
Note: This light-hearted little poem was inspired by my seeing
“Don’t Look Up”, the sci-fi satire written, directed and produced by Adam
McKay. It has a great cast, makes great fun of pop-culture, where who is
breaking up with whom trumps the news of a comet the size of Mt Everest heading
straight for Earth. Peter Isherwood, CEO of BASH (played by Mark Rylance) pulls
off a stellar 21st century Dr Strange Love. Fast-paced, funny and the ending is
(NOTE: I am being blocked from recovering my posts between
February 6 and 15. If I can access them another time, I will update this blog.)
February 5, 2022
I am thrilled to be part of this peace movement that is
coalescing. I had a highly symbolic dream last night about the Ukraine. I was
being helped in my mission to stop a war from breaking out between the U.S. and
Russia, and given three items, then dropped on a mouldering pile of straw.
One of the objects was a kind of evil-looking nest with a
large black spider inside. Another was a good fruit that I ate. The third item
was a large overripe lemon that was starting to split. I threw the spider's
nest on the ground and stomped on it hard. The spider escaped and was quickly
escaping, with only a couple broken legs trailing. I chased it against a slight
uphill slope of concrete skirting. It morphed into a larger scorpion like kind
of vicious looking spider that was menacing me. I fought down my revulsion and
fear and stomped it again. This time I demolished it completely.
I thought the large lemon was useless, but decided to open
it, since it had been given to me to help me in my quest. Inside were hundreds
of small seeds, like mustard seeds. I couldn't believe that I had nearly thrown
it away. I understood this was a great treasure to give to the people of the
Ukraine for prosperity. This once sour lemon gone bad had actually become a
seedbed of change for the people to enjoy an abundance of all good things.
I have been preparing myself and my home all week for a
major shamanic ceremony that I will video and share online, cleansing my
gemstones for a layout, clearing out negative energy, cleaning, decluttering,
organizing, pondering all aspects of the situation coming to a head in the
Ukraine. Researching, reading. Thinking. Meditating. It's been so overwhelming
at times.
Today I will carry out the ceremony. I will take part in
this webinar. And I will write about the Ukraine to submit an article to major
outlets such as Popular Resistance.
Please join us today in a webinar being held to discuss how
to stop the U.S. from going to war with Russia.
Call To Action: No War With Russia
Over Ukraine - PopularResistance.Org
February 5, 2022
Join us in a webinar tomorrow if you want to stop the U.S.
from going to war in Ukraine against Russia.
Welcome! You are invited to join a
webinar: US/NATO aggression at the Russian Border. After registering, you will
receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.
A conversation between US, Russian and
Ukrainian peace activists on the situation on the Russian border with Ukraine,
NATO expansion and related topics. Speakers: Ajamu Baraka, National Organizer,
Black Alliance for Peace Larissa Shessler, Chair, Union of Political Emigrants
& Political prisoners of...