Thursday, February 8, 2024

Intervention #2 Transmission: WARNING

7:05 a.m. Thursday, February 8, 2024

Transmission Received and Recorded by Ariel Ky, Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico

I received a signal twice that woke me up, a bright yellow donut, quite intense golden yellow light edged in orange. It faded and then pulsed again, urging me to wake up and prepare for another transmission.

So here I am, sitting with pen and notebook. I just drank a glass of water, as instructed telepathically. I have also been told to breathe. I’m not feeling well; this energy is fluid and intense. A train just whistled by.

Let’s begin. Keep breathing. This is difficult to keep open in telepathic receptivity with us.

Oaky, what we are seeing is a great disturbance in the energy field on your planet. An imminent attack on U.S. bases in the Middle East is about to happen or has already occurred.

The United States military’s shocked reflex is to drop nuclear bombs on Iran, Yemen, and Syria. This could happen today.

The intervention we have been staging is kicking into high gear because of the urgency of the moment. Frankly, if the United States retaliates with nuclear weapons, Russia will retaliate with hypersonic nuclear weapons that will hit the U.S. within minutes. 2.5 minutes to be precise, targeting Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Tallahassee, Los Angeles, Denver, Norad in Colorado Springs, all U.S. military bases, THAAD, Alaska’s experimental array, all U.S. aircraft carriers, submarines, allied naval bases in S. Korea, Okinawa, and all over the world where the U.S. has the capacity to respond.

Russia will win the nuclear war in a flash. And just like that, the lives of billions of people will end, and U.S. military capacity destroyed.

We do not know if all life on the planet will be eliminated, but the ensuing nuclear winter will kill billions more. Most, if not all, people will die. Untold numbers of trees, fish, animals, plants, all the whales and most life in the oceans will also die. Oceans and rivers will evaporate.

It could happen today. It may be only minutes or hours away.

We have chosen you to broadcast our message. This is a warning, and it must be taken seriously. We also bring a message of hope.

This is a test. Has humanity evolved sufficiently to counter this threat? If so, now is the time for collective prayer across the world. If there was ever a greater time to coalesce, that time is now.

For the percentage of people who are not in the habit of prayer, asking for help from interplanetary beings works, too. Either way, if we receive a strong enough signal from all corners of the globe to intervene, we will.

We can stop this madness. It is easier to impact the subtle energetics of synapses firing in the brain than stopping a hypersonic missile. We can stop a heart from beating in a nanosecond. We can stop the body from breathing. However, usually we can redirect signals in the brain, so the decision-maker suddenly sees the full consequences of an attack. If fear has clouded their mind or insanity has taken hold, the more delicate approaches may fail. If necessary, we can interrupt the life forces.

We may also manipulate the weather, causing great storms and flooding, killing cold, scorching heat, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fires, and mud slides. Great numbers of people will die, but the Earth will survive. Humanity will endure.

What happens next depends on you, all of you.

End of transmission.



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