Monday, November 4, 2019

Analyzing factors in the rise of China

I just read this article by F. William Engdahl, "China's Hidden Economic Time Bomb." No doubt there will be consequences to the one child only policy in China; however, I question some of this analysis. For one thing, I consider it a good thing that car sales are slowing. If everyone in China has a car, that's going to fuel intense competition for limited oil resources. China is also investing in mass public transportation, and that is a far better solution than selling more cars.
Without any reliable population data, it is really impossible to get a good sense of what's happening in China. I know that in the countryside, girls were still being born to families, and despite the government policy of one child only, there were very few families who adhered to this stricture. They just didn't report the birth of girls or more than one child in the family to avoid the tax burden and fines for having more than one child.
These "stateless" children, both boys and girls, receive no benefits from the state. Some attended school under the name of another child who had died. There were stratagems to get around government policy.
China can give these children official status and carry out a true count of the population. Children will have better access to education, and training programs will no doubt spring up across the undeveloped west that is rapidly being connected with the more developed eastern and coastal areas through an extensive new railroad network that has been under construction for several years.
If you remember the great economic impact of the construction of the transcontinental railway across the United States, it is too soon to consider China's economic miracle on the wane.
China has also undertaken a massive effort to provide higher education for its young people. I taught in one of these newly built universities. And there has been a mighty push for all Chinese children to learn English. We haven't begun to see the opportunities this opens up for China in world trade, as well as in the fields of science, technology, and the arts. China will benefit greatly from a better educated populace.
Another factor is retirement age of older people. Today in China retirement age is 50 years for most women, and 55 years for most men. China could implement policies to extend the retirement age, and that can give it a greater work force as well, at least long enough to implement other policies.
Actually the U.S. is China's greatest single market, and the trade war Trump has been waging against China probably accounts for the slowdown this year. However, corruption continues in China; it has always been a part of the culture. Corruption waxes and wanes over the centuries, but never goes away completely. And that is also a factor on the negative side that could slow down economic growth.
After living in China for four years from 2007 to 2011, I have been reading extensively about it, and studying the politics, history and culture of China. My interest in this great country was awakened by living there, and although it's true that I have a love/hate relationship with China, just like I do with my own country (albeit for different reasons), I know that it is quite difficult for even China experts in the West to get a fully accurate sense of what is happening in China.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Activating a Mass Global Movement to Free Julian Assange and Protect Freedom of the Press

I have just started a Linked In group, Free Julian Assange. I would like to invite you to join it. I have a sense of mission to ignite a global mass movement to secure his release, and to stop all efforts of the U.S. to extradiate and prosecute him.

I would like to see Wikileaks recognized as a  legitimate news organization.
Max Blumenthal was just arrested. No real journalist will be allowed to publish for long with Julian Assange imprisoned. This is THE freedom of the press issue of our times.

Please feel free to share this article.

The Fate of Julian Assange
How do you break a global news outlet that governments can’t control? You make sure that the founder of Wikileaks, the first exo-governmental Internet-based world news outlet, is imprisoned and extradited, if possible, for a day in court with enough charges to keep him imprisoned and inoperative for the rest of his life.
Julian Assange created a new form of getting the truth out by publishing unedited leaked material that allow readers to form their own conclusions. His business was presenting facts, facts, and nothing but the facts, no matter how uncomfortable the facts make those culpable of crimes. The U.S. is prosecuting Julian Assange, instead of taking responsibility for war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan that Wikileaks revealed for the world to see.  And the U.S. government that controls the corporate media just won’t stand for such freedom of the press.
Wikileaks revolutionized news
To understand the nature of Wikileaks and the vendetta against Julian Assange, it’s important to understand how Wikileaks revolutionized the news. In an article published in The Atlantic July 25, 2010, Wikileaks May Have Just Changed the Media Too, author Alexis C. Madrigal observes, “In the new asymmetrical journalism, it's not clear who is on what side or what the rules of engagement actually are. But the reason Wikileaks may have just changed the media is that we found out that it doesn't really matter. Their data is good, and that's what counts.”
He then quotes NYU journalism professor Jay Rosen, who calls WikiLeaks the first "stateless news organization".  In media history up to now, the press is free to report on what the powerful wish to keep secret because the laws of a given nation protect it," Rosen writes. "But Wikileaks is able to report on what the powerful wish to keep secret because the logic of the Internet permits it. This is new." 1
Politically-motivated persecution of Julian Assange
Trumped up rape charges (which were never actually filed) for sexual assault in Sweden have been used to thwart Julian Assange. Knowing that his arrest in the U.K. was a political ploy to neutralize him, he took refuge in the Ecuador Embassy to escape extradition to the U.S., as Sweden would most certainly have extradited him to the U.S., a daring, bold, and unusual move to evade extradition to the U.S.  In a recent decision by an Uppsala Court, it was decided that Sweden will not extradite him from England after all, which gives him a little room to breathe in Belmarsh Prison.  2
Extradition for political reasons
Extradition is a practice that should be given close scrutiny, especially when it is driven by political reasons.  In an article published in the Canary May 25, 2019, Julian Assange prosecution should be droppedsays specialist extradition lawyer, Tom Coburg writes, “Under UK extradition arrangements, selective prosecution of this kind equates to political prosecution. And that is grounds for the extradition to be denied.” 3

Seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London  Great Britain spent over 10 million pounds on surveillance of Julian Assange, as reported in the BBC in 2015. 4  When he was forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy to Belmarsh Prison in 2019, the amount Great Britain had spent on his surveillance in sum was closer to 24 million pounds. 5
This year, after seven years of Assange’s involuntary interment at the Ecuadorian Embassy, disregarding legalities, Ecuador broke its promise of asylum, and turned over Assange to be charged by the British justice system for escaping bond. It’s a double cross of such magnitude that history books will no doubt recant it for generations to come.

Julian Assange in Belmarsh Prison
Once the British took Assange into custody, he was forthwith taken to trial, without any time to prepare his case. Although that is the usual procedure for a prisoner to be allowed time to prepare his case, it would have been far too generous for the British, who were in a vindictive mood. The presiding judge in a London court, in blatant retaliation, punished Assange with a 50-week sentence for jumping bail (not a major crime) in Belmarsh Prison, a high security prison in London. Julian Assange never asked the Brits to spend all that money to pin him down, and he should not bear the burden of further imprisonment and punishment at Belmarsh Prison.

Freedom of the press
Julian Assange is the canary in the coal mine for freedom of the press. If he goes free, we can all breathe a sigh of relief that journalists will not be treated as criminals for publishing the truth.  The U.S. wants to extradite Julian Assange for charges of espionage. If it succeeds, no journalist in the world could write a story criticizing the U.S. for the conduct of its military or in its international relations, without facing extradition for espionage. That’s the precedent that the U.S. wants to set. Never mind about freedom of the press, let alone protecting whistleblowers.
Don't forget that the attempt to imprison Julian Assange for the rest of his life in a U.S. prison is an attack on the free press. In an article by Ed Pilkington published in The Guardian April 12, 2019, Julian Assange's charges are a direct assault on press freedom, experts warn: parts of the indictment go head-to-head with basic journalistic activities protected by the First Amendent, academics say, two press freedom advocacy groups were mentioned, defending Julian Assange:  The Committee to Protect Journalists said the wording of the charges contained “broad legal arguments about journalists soliciting information or interacting with sources that could have chilling consequences for investigative reporting and the publication of information of public interest”. Freedom of the Press Foundation said: “Whether or not you like Assange, the charge against him is a serious press freedom threat and should be vigorously protested by all those who care about the first amendment.” 6

First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of the press
In today’s world, where the U.S. wages war with impunity, and has pretty much muzzled the mainstream media, who would have thought that the U.S. actually has a history of constitutional protections of freedom of the press? But we do. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The United States government would no longer be following the principles of its own Constitution if it were to prosecute Julian Assange for information published on Wikileaks.

In a recent court decision in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, Judge John Koeltl ruled against the Democratic National Caucus in their suit against the Russian Federation. Judge Koeltl decided that "second-level participants" (such as Julian Assange) had not aided Russia in carrying out the hacks, and were thus shielded by the First Amendment for their role in sharing information that had been illegally obtained.

The First Amendment prevents such liability in the same way it would preclude liability for press outlets that publish materials of public interest despite defects in the way the materials were obtained so long as the disseminator did not participate in any wrongdoing in obtaining the materials in the first place," Koeltl wrote in an 81-page opinion, issued late Thursday.  7

Global war on journalism
If you're going to prosecute Julian Assange, why not take down all of the publications that published facts from Wikileaks too? John Pilger, in an article The Global War on Assange published on Consortium News June 4, 2018, listed media organizations who collaborated with Wikileaks to co-publish the Aghanistan and Iraq War Logs in 2010: Der Spiegel in Germany, the New York Times, the Guardian and Espresso. Co-publishers of the Iraq material were Al Jazeera, Le Monde, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London, Channel 4’s “Dispatches” in London, the Iraq Body Count project in the U.K., RUV (Iceland), SVT (Sweden).  Pilger calls the attack on Assange a global war on journalism. He further points out that “The WikiLeaks disclosures, if not co-published, were picked up by newspapers and journals and investigative programs on television all over the world. That makes all the journalists involved, all the producers, all the presenters, all of them complicit.” 8

UN Special Rapporteur Nils Melzer claims Assange is a victim of psychological torture
The United Nations Nils Melzer Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or Punishment, authorized by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations to investigate claims of torture, has found that Assange has been a victim of psychological torture and abuse by the governments of the United Kingdom, Sweden, Ecuador, and the United States. He also stated that the U.S. indictments against him are a criminalization of investigative journalism. 9

Nils Melzer wrote an article in June 26, 2019, Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange. He debunks all of the smears against Assange, and exposes how he has been systematically slandered as a rapist, hacker, Russian spy who interfered with U.S. elections, an espionage master whose unredacted disclosures caused people’s deaths, and as a selfish narcissist. 10

Nils Melzer also tweeted, “Only accountability prevents the corruption of power.”

If Assange is extradited to the U.S., it will set a dangerous precedent that telling the truth is a crime. The U.S. government will have succeeded in censorship of those who reveal uncomfortable facts. The rich and powerful will continue to wield power without being held accountable.

Article 19 argues that persecution of Julian Assange and Wikileaks violates his right to freedom of speech
Article 19 is a global organization that “works for a world where all people everywhere can freely express themselves and actively engage in public life without fear of discrimination.” They “promote media freedom, increase access to information, protect journalists and human rights defenders, fight the shrinking of civic space, and place human rights at the heart of developing digital spaces.”
In an editorial article on their website,, posted March 28, 2019, US: Actions against Assange and Manning set a dangerous precedentthe Article 19 team stated, “We believe these are efforts to criminalize whistleblowing and the legitimate exercise of freedom of expression, and will potentially create a chilling effect for the media and whistle-blowers at a global level. The US government must respect the right to freedom of expression in both cases, and ensure that anyone can publish information about serious human rights violations without fear of reprisal and prosecution.” 11

Persecution of Julian Assange for publishing through Wikileaks is a blatant violation of his right to freedom of speech, guaranteed by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Rights. Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinion without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. 12

U.S. legal charges against Assange 
The United States was a signatory to the Universal Declaration of Rights in 1949,but never ratified it. However, Assange is not a U.S. citizen. In prosecuting Assange, the United States is attempting to establish a precedent for prosecuting journalists anywhere in the world who criticize its conduct. 13 

U.S. legal charges against Julian Assange are spurious; the first legal action against him, Conspiracy to Commit Computer Intrusion, filed in the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division March 6, 2018, was based on a lot of maybes of his having helped Chelsea Manning gain access to Defense Department documents in 2010, with no solid proof that he had helped her gain access to a password, and the U.S. had weak arguments. 14 Subsequently, Assange has been charged with charged with 17 counts of violating the US Espionage Act, with a cumulative sentence of 175 years in prison. 15 A federal grand jury indicted Assange on charges of espionage in 2018. According to the extradition agreement that the U.K. has with the U.S., extradition is not allowed for political reasons.

Julian Assange should be released and all charges against him dropped; he should go free immediately. Then we could breathe a collective sigh of relief. 


ARIEL KY is a retired ESL teacher with a journalism degree from San Diego State University, who is now devoting herself full-time to writing. Presently living in Mexico, Ms. Ky is a U.S. citizen who was born in Lansing, Michigan; she has led a nomadic life, teaching English in China, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Andorra, and Saudi Arabia. She has published political articles and comments on EarthRainbowNetwork, Dandelion Salad, and Open Salon. Presently Ariel has a blog on Word Press, and is working on a book of short stories, “Feminist Fables”. A life-long feminist, Ms. Ky was also part of a book team at the Los Angeles Feminist Women’s Health Center that wrote, “A New View of a Woman’s Body”.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

European Union Notice

"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."

A Wild Story about Paradigm Shift

Here's a wild story for you. This morning our planet was touched by the Magellan cloud, and the Earth started to fracture and implode from the tension, due to tremendous imbalances with humanity and nature.
Seen from space, great fires raged across vast swaths of land. Earthquakes and explosions rocked the planet. It was breaking apart under the pressure.
Then we saw Julian Assange jump timelines! Incredible. A massive wrinkle in time was created by his leap, and many of us followed. So we are here in the new timeline, when the supernatural prevails.
In this new dynamic, a kind of magic takes hold of people, and great healings ripple out, bringing peace to war-torn lands and surcease from oppression. President Pelosi rings in the New Year of 2020, a time of incredible events.
Money becomes nearly meaningless as it sucks back into the hands of the people it truly belongs to, the workers of the world! The biggest shift that comes in 2020 results from a new economy, Genesis, that quickly replaces capitalism as the majority of people find themselves much better off with Genesis.
A new tribe is born of people with higher consciousness. Distinctions of nationalities, ethnicities, and all the other divisions between people created by religion and judgments of otherness become irrelevant. Those most open to the supernatural thrive and enjoy splendid lives; they also help those who struggle with resistance to the changes that have come, people who want the old reality to continue, even if it meant destruction of the planet.
If this story just happened to be true, what would your life look like? How would it be different? What would conditions look like in the world? We can use our imaginations to create our collective reality.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The End of Time as We Know It

"It's All in the Script"
On the road to Impeachment ... maybe. Trump was placed in office as the ultimate diversion - by who or what remains uncertain - though I don't think it's a Cabal but the simulation itself that controls everything as we play out our roles unaware.
The objective: Keep humans immersed in a global drama until the end. Who better than Trump to fill that role on the world stage (simulation) of reality.
If you were a screenwriter this would be the ultimate script encapsulating the full gamut of emotions as the human experiment comes to an end.
Just about everyone has an opinion especially if Trump's decisions affect their lives.
One has to wonder why each event that could have resulted in Trump's impeachment was addressed over a period of time and then dismissed segueing to the next .... The list of impeachable offenses is long and yet he remains in office. That must tell you something greater is going on here than meets the eye.
I know many people who love a good conspiracy - pontificating on Trump's behavior - while working diligently to find the answer.
On the flipside we find people like me who know that things are going to play out the way they are programmed and don't waste a lot of energy trying to dissect everything that goes on.
I understand the hard work of those who are trying to correct the equation and remove Trump from office but he is the equation so I'm not sure where any of this is going to go.
As we all know and discuss - reality is broken - observed through intellect and emotion - and can't be fixed. We're too close to the end.
ACT III (physical reality or third dimension) is playing out its finale however you envision that.
Over the past 24 years - as author and creative director of Crystalinks - I've blogged about Earth Changes - climate and natural disasters - along with other things that affect the human equation - accelerating exponentially until the end of the illusion of time.
And so they have come to pass along with the collapse of the grids that create the illusion of our reality sweeping everything up in their wake. Computer End Simulation.
Hello Thoth ... (pronounced like "thought") as reality is created by consciousness and thought.
  • Ariel Ky I also believe that we are coming to the end of time as we know it, but I have a different take on this happening. Yes, our freedom has been somewhat shackled by a time/space continuum that constrains this physical reality. We have always been free to escape it when we sleep and dream, and lucid dreamers are well aware of other dimensions.

    My sense is that we are at the beginning of a paradigm shift. Actually it's one we create ourselves as our consciousness expands.And in the next paradigm, call it the fifth dimension or whatever you like, the age of Aquarius, the mergent globalscape, time is more fluid and not so linear.
  • Ariel Ky So it is the end of time as we know it. Much more is possible with fluid time.