Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dalian Zoo

It's been just about a year since I visited the Dalian Zoo, but I'm going to upload some of my photos of animals now anyways.

1 comment:

Carol Downer said...

Hi Sherry: I'm sorry Ihaven't responded yet, but I didn't know how to. My assistant, Aracely, showed me how.
Reading your blog was very interesting. I will keep up with it.
I am still working as an activist. My law practice has been reduced to occasional appearances for people who are getting their "green cards" or applying for citizenship. I love doing it; it's very satisfying.
Angela is doing great. She's married to a really nice guy (I know that's a generalization, but I can't think of all his good qualities, which are many, right now) She has two little boys, Wyatt, Age 7 and Waylon, Age 4. Frankie is married to a really nice woman, Teresa, and has a 4-year-old son. Frankie is a stay-at-home Dad and loves it--so does Frankito, his son. Frank is doing well, as are Laura, Vicki, Shelby,and David. I am on the BOD of the Women's Health Specialists in Norther California and I'm trying to write my memoirs, or something. I was just piling up writings of 3 or 4 pages until I have about a ream of writings, all of them sort of going in different directions. So I decided to start a website and put a lot of them there under different headings. This moment in time is horrible because George Tiller just got shot. I attended a memorial and was so angry at the "pro-choice" supporters who all wailed and moaned, but I remembered when they refused to support Dr. Bruce Steir when he was prosecuted for 2nd degree murder when a woman who was 20 weeks pregnant died of a normal complication.
I loved your piece on the Seattle FWHC website. Kathy Hodge is living with us right now. Her house was foreclosed, so she's sort of catching up with things. I really enjoy her being there. We talk and talk and talk. Also, we have little writers' group with another friend of mine once a week. Kathy writes very imaginative stuff. Well, that's enough for now. I'm so glad I finally figured out how to respond to you. Carol