Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't think tanks always employ men? I would like to start a think tank of women for the purpose of brainstorming ideas on how to push along the paradigm shift to a world of equality between women and men, without violence or war.
Actually, it would be wonderful if there was a man out there who wanted to start a think tank of men for the same purposes. We could collaborate, perhaps. Eventually, we could merge, but at the outset, I think it would be important for it to be all women.
Why do I say this? For too long, men have dominated our world, and old habits die hard. I do believe that the new paradigm is going to be forged mostly by women. However, I welcome the men who are aware that we all benefit from true equality between the genders.
Unfortunately, what I have seen is men tend to gravitate towards guru positions in the lightworker movement, exploiting the ideas and spiritual gifts of women who pay large amounts for their workshops and seminars, and enjoying high status and many perks, just as men have always done, making the decisions, running things.
Our women's think tank would publish position papers and use social media to convey our ideas to bring about a more consciously spiritual relationship with each other and all life, and a sense of the sacredness of the Earth. We would come up with blueprints, new systems, lists of steps to take, questions to consider. We might start our own media company, book publishing firm, legal firm, college, political groups.
Not only would we be a think tank, we would also serve as a clearinghouse of ideas, for people to connect with projects and exchange ideas with others of like mind.
We would tackle both local and global issues. We would do our best to stop wars from starting by exposing the lies. We might even start class action suits on behalf of war-torn families or families who have lost their children in school shootings. We could write legislation and find sponsors to push it through legislatures. We could strategize on how to get awakened women into political positions.
If any of you reading this are interested in this idea of starting a think tank, please let me know one way or another. Maybe you can put me in touch with someone who might be interested.
If any of you reading this are interested in this idea of starting a think tank, please let me know one way or another. Maybe you can put me in touch with someone who might be interested.
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