Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Peace and Goodwill Message of 2021 to Presidents Biden and Putin and to Americans and Russians


Peace and Goodwill Message of 2021

During this Christmas season let us open our hearts to bring in peace and goodwill between the great nations of the United States and Russia. I call on President Biden and President Putin to cease and desist all military moves that could lead our countries to war in the Ukraine.

During this pandemic, with the Omicron variant spreading like wildfire and over 800,000 deaths from Covid in the U.S., the urgent need to come together and cooperate with each other is greater than ever. The last thing Americans or Russians, or anyone in the world, needs is to worry about the threat of war. In fact, if humanity is to survive and thrive, the time is now to end military conflict as a way to resolve conflicts.

We must evolve if we are to survive as a race. We have far more in common than our differences. If we can shift to cooperating, sharing and caring more for each other, we have a chance, despite the all-encompassing threat of climate change. We can work together to ameliorate the worst impacts it will bring, and we need to focus on making the changes that will ensure that everyone possible survives.

I call for an end to all economic sanctions against Russia by the United States, which is a form of warfare that has impoverished Russians. I call on both presidents to do their best to improve the lives of their people.

War does nothing but destroy and kill. It does not improve the lives of the people. I call on both countries to cut the military budget in half -- use the money instead to make life better for the majority of people. It’s the wealthy who get richer and richer on wars, profiting on the blood of the people lost in fighting.

Use the military not to kill, but to help people through hard times, in places hit hard by severe weather, such as we have seen in Kentucky with tornadoes recently. Use the military in joint exercises that make sure everyone has food and shelter in the world, as well as caring for the environment.

We are undergoing the greatest shift in the minds and hearts of people that the world has ever seen. Let’s take this to the top and reorder our priorities as nations. Professional diplomats are not enough to see us through this shift safely.

I call on President Putin and President Biden to consult with the wise women of the International Council of Thirteen Grandmothers to strategize what needs to be done, and where we should go from here to be in right relation with each other and all life on this planet.

Послание мира и доброй воли 2021 года

В течение этого рождественского сезона давайте откроем наши сердца, чтобы принести мир и добрую волю между великими народами Соединенных Штатов и России. Я призываю президента Байдена и президента Путина прекратить и воздерживаться от всех военных шагов, которые могут привести наши страны к войне на Украине.

Во время этой пандемии, когда вариант Omicron распространяется как лесной пожар и более 800 000 смертей от Covid в США, острая необходимость объединиться и сотрудничать друг с другом больше, чем когда-либо. Последнее, что нужно американцам, русским или кому-либо в мире, это беспокоиться об угрозе войны. На самом деле, если человечество хочет выжить и процветать, настало время положить конец военным конфликтам как способу разрешения конфликтов.

Мы должны развиваться, если хотим выжить как раса. У нас гораздо больше общего, чем наших различий. Если мы сможем перейти к сотрудничеству, обмену и заботе друг о друге, у нас есть шанс, несмотря на всеобъемлющую угрозу изменения климата. Мы можем работать вместе, чтобы смягчить наихудшие последствия, которые это принесет, и нам нужно сосредоточиться на внесении изменений, которые обеспечат выживание всех возможных.

Я призываю к прекращению всех экономических санкций против России со стороны Соединенных Штатов, которые являются формой войны, которая привела к обнищанию россиян. Я призываю обоих президентов сделать все возможное для улучшения жизни своего народа.

Война не делает ничего, кроме разрушения и убийства. Это не улучшает жизнь людей. Я призываю обе страны сократить военный бюджет вдвое - использовать деньги вместо этого, чтобы сделать жизнь лучше для большинства людей. Именно богатые становятся все богаче и богаче на войнах, наживаясь на крови людей, погибших в боях.

Используйте военных не для того, чтобы убивать, а чтобы помочь людям пережить трудные времена, в местах, сильно пострадавших от суровой погоды, таких как мы видели в Кентукки с торнадо в последнее время. Используйте военных в совместных учениях, которые гарантируют, что у каждого есть еда и кров в мире, а также забота об окружающей среде.

Мы переживаем величайший сдвиг в умах и сердцах людей, который когда-либо видел мир. Давайте поднимем это на вершину и перестроим наши приоритеты как наций. Профессиональных дипломатов недостаточно, чтобы безопасно провести нас через этот сдвиг.

Я призываю Президента Путина и Президента Байдена проконсультироваться с мудрыми женщинами Международного совета тринадцати бабушек, чтобы выработать стратегию того, что необходимо сделать, и куда мы должны двигаться дальше, чтобы быть в правильных отношениях друг с другом и со всей жизнью на этой планете.

Friday, January 22, 2021

What is the Difference Between the Soul and Spirit?

I'm in a Facebook group of many diverse people, the Arcturians. Today I saw that someone had posed the question, "What is the difference between the soul and spirit? Here is my response.

 I have thought about this, too, and the way I see it both words mean basically the same thing. Soul seems like an older word that mostly Christians use. Spirit seems more inclusive somehow, kind of an expansion of what people meant when they used to say soul. I use both words. 

Basically it's the part of us that you can't see. It's not the physical body; it's the spark of life that imbues it. And the spirit or the soul carries both our past lifetime memories and is also part of the greater soul of collective humanity. How that all works out is part of the greater mystery, the beguiling unknown that those of us on a spiritual path continually explore.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Biden's Great Appointment of Transgender Rachel Levine as Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services


Fantastic! As a visionary, I reached the understanding this past year that transgender people and those who are "gender nonconforming", are important wayshowers in the evolution of humanity at this time. For one, Americans have become such a nation of conformists, sheeple if you may, that anyone who doesn't conform in any way is one courageous singular person. Conformity is a corporate value, and it works against self-expression, which is the core of freedom.


The paradigm shift that we are experiencing right now is taking us into a greater consciousness, a deeper level of understanding, if you're able to follow me on this. We are starting to remember all of who we are and have been, and continue to be. As we start to wend our way through the multiverses and alternate realities of higher levels of consciousness, awakening to the full extent of all of who we are, that means we begin to get in touch with past lives, often lived as the opposite gender.


The truth is that we are all an amalgam of all the lives that we've led, sometimes as a woman, sometimes as a man, and as our memory returns with a greater awareness of the fluid nature of time and space, we will become more aware of all of these different aspects of who we are.


I realize that I probably lost almost of all of you in sharing these insights. And I could be wrong. Actually I want to write a story with a transgender hero/heroine, that will help people begin to explore all of this. It's one of my goals for this year.

I just know that this news makes me rejoice.


Congratulations Rachel Levine! I am sure you will do an outstanding job for all of us in this position as Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Services. Our country needs someone with your level of experience and knowledge to help lead in protecting the health and safety of Americans during this pandemic. May the Senate confirm your appointment.

See New York Times article, January 19, 2021, "Biden’s pick for Health and Human Services role would be first transgender federal official confirmed by the Senate," by Eileen Sullivan.


Monday, January 4, 2021

Let's Make Life Better for People in the United States

 Brainstorming ideas this morning for making life better for people in the United States.

FEED AMERICA -- cooking classes for healthy eating, community gardens, planting fruit and nut trees in school yards, sharing resources more so everyone has enough healthy food
GET FIT AMERICA -- Creating ways for people to get more exercise, walking more, working physically, and holding mass healing events
RISE AMERICA -- intergenerational programs to lift people's spirits, engage in community forums and political activity, get people singing together, making public art, holding community dances, battles of the bands, tree planting projects, building community centers as a civic project.
BUILD AMERICA -- Building cultural ties with other countries, creating new ways to engage in international trade, building small communities.
HEAL AMERICA -- Form wise women councils to lead a process of truth and reconciliation circles, to launch a massive movement to heal our divisions, especially racial ones and with indigeneous peoples, but also for women to be heard about how oppressive our patriarchal systems have been for them.
DREAM AMERICA -- Sharing our dreams, visions, hopes and wishes for the country we want to create going forward.
WORK AMERICA -- Developing work programs that provide training in new skills and that create better communities, promote creative projects, and provide care for everyone that needs it.
CARE AMERICA -- Assess the needs of people in our neighborhoods and communities, and develop programs that meet those needs in new and creative ways.
SHARE AMERICA -- Start sharing programs at home and abroad that gives anyone who wants the opportunity to give public service and share resources. Building internships into all of our educational programs. Seniors mentoring teenagers and children in mutually beneficial ways. Sharing ideas on ways to make our society more inclusive, more caring and more supportive of everyone through sharing.
CELEBRATE AMERICA -- Both online and on the ground festivals and concerts (as the coronavirus pandemic subsides), new kinds of celebrations that are free and family friendly. Music, dance,, art, performance. Make entertainment accessible to everyone to enjoy and participate in.
ACTIVATE AMERICA -- Get everyone going, working on creative projects, engaging in work that pays well and meets real needs of people, building communities and ways to live in harmony with nature. Engage people in creating better lives and taking responsibility for themselves and their communities.