Saturday, August 18, 2018

Responding to my Poet Friend

You can keep your head while all others lose theirs
You can lend a hand to someone who cant reach out
You can smile when someones lost all hope, you can affect them
Knowledge is a gift not everyone has received, but everyone can gain from learning more
Not everyone learns the same, knowledge communicates in different ways
Love the beauty you recieve,
Learn something you can help teach
Spread the wealth among the meek, give rise to new beginnings
Emotions a funny feeling,
dont match em with tradgedies
Take the negative and use alchemy
We hav the power to help change everything
Be the positive balance
Be the love you wish to recieve
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Ariel Ky Right on, Rowdy. There is no bones about it. I am a seeker after truth, like you, and I am a survivor. One of the strategies I use whenever I have felt isolated, unloved, and alone in the world is to think about who and what I love, and radiate out love in my prayers for them. It always takes me to a better place. Love has a vibrational level that is so pure and powerful that time and space do not limit it. Thank you for your poetry! Holding you in love.

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