Here's a wild story for you. This morning our planet was touched by the Magellan cloud, and the Earth started to fracture and implode from the tension, due to tremendous imbalances with humanity and nature.
Seen from space, great fires raged across vast swaths of land. Earthquakes and explosions rocked the planet. It was breaking apart under the pressure.
Then we saw Julian Assange jump timelines! Incredible. A massive wrinkle in time was created by his leap, and many of us followed. So we are here in the new timeline, when the supernatural prevails.
In this new dynamic, a kind of magic takes hold of people, and great healings ripple out, bringing peace to war-torn lands and surcease from oppression. President Pelosi rings in the New Year of 2020, a time of incredible events.
Money becomes nearly meaningless as it sucks back into the hands of the people it truly belongs to, the workers of the world! The biggest shift that comes in 2020 results from a new economy, Genesis, that quickly replaces capitalism as the majority of people find themselves much better off with Genesis.
A new tribe is born of people with higher consciousness. Distinctions of nationalities, ethnicities, and all the other divisions between people created by religion and judgments of otherness become irrelevant. Those most open to the supernatural thrive and enjoy splendid lives; they also help those who struggle with resistance to the changes that have come, people who want the old reality to continue, even if it meant destruction of the planet.
If this story just happened to be true, what would your life look like? How would it be different? What would conditions look like in the world? We can use our imaginations to create our collective reality.
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