Friday, September 27, 2019

The End of Time as We Know It

"It's All in the Script"
On the road to Impeachment ... maybe. Trump was placed in office as the ultimate diversion - by who or what remains uncertain - though I don't think it's a Cabal but the simulation itself that controls everything as we play out our roles unaware.
The objective: Keep humans immersed in a global drama until the end. Who better than Trump to fill that role on the world stage (simulation) of reality.
If you were a screenwriter this would be the ultimate script encapsulating the full gamut of emotions as the human experiment comes to an end.
Just about everyone has an opinion especially if Trump's decisions affect their lives.
One has to wonder why each event that could have resulted in Trump's impeachment was addressed over a period of time and then dismissed segueing to the next .... The list of impeachable offenses is long and yet he remains in office. That must tell you something greater is going on here than meets the eye.
I know many people who love a good conspiracy - pontificating on Trump's behavior - while working diligently to find the answer.
On the flipside we find people like me who know that things are going to play out the way they are programmed and don't waste a lot of energy trying to dissect everything that goes on.
I understand the hard work of those who are trying to correct the equation and remove Trump from office but he is the equation so I'm not sure where any of this is going to go.
As we all know and discuss - reality is broken - observed through intellect and emotion - and can't be fixed. We're too close to the end.
ACT III (physical reality or third dimension) is playing out its finale however you envision that.
Over the past 24 years - as author and creative director of Crystalinks - I've blogged about Earth Changes - climate and natural disasters - along with other things that affect the human equation - accelerating exponentially until the end of the illusion of time.
And so they have come to pass along with the collapse of the grids that create the illusion of our reality sweeping everything up in their wake. Computer End Simulation.
Hello Thoth ... (pronounced like "thought") as reality is created by consciousness and thought.
  • Ariel Ky I also believe that we are coming to the end of time as we know it, but I have a different take on this happening. Yes, our freedom has been somewhat shackled by a time/space continuum that constrains this physical reality. We have always been free to escape it when we sleep and dream, and lucid dreamers are well aware of other dimensions.

    My sense is that we are at the beginning of a paradigm shift. Actually it's one we create ourselves as our consciousness expands.And in the next paradigm, call it the fifth dimension or whatever you like, the age of Aquarius, the mergent globalscape, time is more fluid and not so linear.
  • Ariel Ky So it is the end of time as we know it. Much more is possible with fluid time.

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