I'm not sure where to find an audience who actually reads what I write, but I still feel compelled to share my thoughts about what we are creating, and my reflections on the process, hoping to inspire and activate those who are ready to collaborate.
Telepathically a few nights ago, I was woken from my sleep by a robust shout, "WAR!" Just as emphatically, I shouted, "PEACE!" When the drumbeats for war are sounding, we don't have to cower. It's the time to step up to the plate, and do everything we can to get out the facts, to shift the energy, to show our collective power for a different vision of how we want the world to be.
My sense is that in the end, it will come down to our spiritual consciousness and our ability to work with energy to diffuse the war machine, to scatter the energy field of war, to dissipate it, and to bring the energy field on this planet into balance and harmony. Our ability to love makes the difference. Our ability to love can create a different future for humanity than the path we are on.
I think we are called to shift gears continually these days, by following our spiritual practices and going within, asking for help from the heavens, and doing our best to stay centered in the core of peace that each and every one of us has access to in the universe within ourselves.
However, we are being called to master this reality as well, to reach out and share with each other in forums like this, and in our personal lives and on the Internet. My sense of the Internet is that it is a crude form of collective consciousness and energy, and a kind of transition to a finer form of communication, which is more telepathic.
So spiritual practices are essential in this process of paradigm shifting towards a world of peace, but our words and our actions are also essential. We can't just sit on our arses right now.
Everyone reading this is an ambassador of peace, an agent of warmth, goodwill, respect and love in our relations with everyone we encounter, from the cleaning lady to the obnoxious neighbor to the psychopath wreaking havoc in our city, to the stray dog on the street.
We do what we can, but we all must do more. We absolutely cannot lead a complacent life. There isn't anyone who can't get better at loving others. And we must not limit our efforts to simply following our spiritual practices.
And that's what it comes down to, if humanity is going to shift into a more loving paradigm, we have to embody that as best we can in our own lives. We must take responsibility for everything we think, say, and do.
The macro energy field reflects what happens in the micro. As above, so below.
The other day, I made a gemstone layout in the form of a peace sign, the kind you often saw in the 60's. There are many symbols of peace, and we need to get creative in surrounding ourselves with them in every way we can imagine.
So this morning I felt compelled to do a sound healing for peace in the world with my gemstone layout, overtoning to raise the energy. I particularly invoked raising the harmonic field in Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan and Yemen.
It was like trying to lift a ton of bricks. Ayyyy! I'll keep doing it, and I enjoin others to bring in the help of the minerals and gems in making this paradigm shift. Each one of us can add to the calming of the waters in the energy field.
Get creative, add feathers, flowers, make beach altars, create lovely crowns around the base of trees. Chant for peace. We could do an online toning circle. Let me think about that one.
What I understand is that we need to join forces, continually shifting gears from spiritual practices to words and actions that will bring about peace in our world.
The new paradigm is more about collective action than it is about our individual efforts, but, of course, what we do as individuals is also important. It is more about spiritual power than political power, but there will be a carryover into the realm of politics that is right and necessary. It is an organic process.
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