Friday, September 13, 2019

Climate change is upon us: we need to prepare for relocating people

I agree with this young Swedish girl that we must address climate change. I have known at an intuitive level for several years that we must prepare for a sudden inundation of coastlines that happens all over the world. The best preparation would be to relocate people away from shorelines, although I doubt that will happen.
Why everyone assumes that the rising waters will only occur incrementally is beyond my ken. Nature has two very drastically different ways of changing a landscape; one is incrementally very slow; the other is cataclysmicly sudden, such as the eruption of Paracutin, the volcano near where I live in Patzcuaro.
I don't how to manifest this idea; I welcome any suggestions. However, I think that we need to create emergency relocation teams that could transport people to safe locations in extreme weather events or when shorelines are simultaneously inundated. We also need transitional construction teams to build yurts and other kinds of housing that would be cheap to construct. 
Another idea, perhaps, is to carry out plans to fill expensive apartment developments that were never finished off because they were developer boondoggles to make money. Perhaps we could start creating intentional ecosensitive communities now, with the ability to expand as needed to add people who have to relocate suddenly.
Of course, it seems obvious to me that militaries should be converted to create these kinds of teams. However, failing that extingency, it could be an employment opportunity for uneducated people in developing countries. Personally, I think all corporations should pay a new tax to fund these efforts. They are the ones with the money, and they are the guiltiest parties in contributing to climate change. The U.S. military is arguably the worst offender in contributing to climate change. Converting troops to work on these projects could be required to pay reparations. Now that's a new thought!
Perhaps we need to form a new entity in the United Nations; it seems logical to start there. Or perhaps build on and expand its existing missions to maintain international peace and security, protect human rights, deliver humanitarian aid, and promote sustainable development. 
Climate change was probably upon us regardless of what people did. It may have something to do with the orbit of our sun and our universe and our elliptical path closer to the central sun at this time. However, the actions of humanity have exacerbated and sped up what is happening, possibly beyond our ability to respond.
The elites have money to protect themselves, or so they think, and there is a sentiment that I am aware of, that they want to wipe off billions of people from the face of the earth. Well, it's time to resist their plans, and remove their power to impact the future of humanity.
'Young people across the world have followed her path, striking and marching to make clear to adults and decision-makers that this is a true emergency'

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